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Cheap flights from Cape Town to Johannesburg

Looking for cheap flights from Cape Town to Johannesburg ? With our low fare calendar you can easily find and book the cheapest flights from Cape town to Johannesburg regardless of whether you are traveling to OR Tambo Airport (JNB) or Lanseria Airport (HLA) . Browse our flight boards and save both time and money by unlocking unbeatable deals in real-time for Cape Town to Johannesburg flights. We offer affordable cheap flights from Cape Town to OR Tambo airport and cheap flights from Cape Town to Lanseria airport , with choices available for one-way and round-trip tickets from popular airlines that currently operate domestic flights in South Africa. 

cheap flights from Cape Town to Johannesburg in South Africa

Low Fare Calendar to find the cheapest flights from Cape Town to Johannesburg :

Our Low fare calendar and real-time flight boards offer user-friendly tools that make it easy and quick to identify cheap flights from Cape Town to Johannesburg.

Real-time flight boards to find cheap flight tickets from Cape Town to Johannesburg (One-way & Round-trip tickets) :

Cheap flights from Cape Town to Johannesburg for a Month, One Way Tickets

If you’re looking for cheap flights from Cape Town to Johannesburg one-way tickets for a specific month, we recommend booking  in advance and comparing prices across different airlines,  to find the cheapest flights from cape town to Johannesburg simply use our real-time flight board for one-way tickets below that allows you to filter your search results based on various criteria such as flight duration, number of stops, and airline preferences.

Several popular airlines operate  Cape Town to Johannesburg flights  for the current month and  offering cheapest flights from Cape Town to Johannesburg for one-way tickets, these include South African Airways, Lift Airlines, Airlink, FlyCemAir, and FlySafair, among others. You can easily find affordable cheap flights from Cape Town to Johannesburg for as low as $49 for a single-way ticket. However, keep in mind that prices may fluctuate depending on the season, demand, and airline.

Departure atStopsFind tickets
28 April 2024DirectOne Way tickets from 1 044
27 April 2024DirectOne Way tickets from 1 114
29 April 2024DirectOne Way tickets from 1 132
30 April 2024DirectOne Way tickets from 1 321
30 April 20241 StopOne Way tickets from 1 909
29 April 20241 StopOne Way tickets from 2 080
28 April 20241 StopOne Way tickets from 2 165
27 April 20241 StopOne Way tickets from 2 312
30 April 20242 StopsOne Way tickets from 15 631
15 May 2024DirectOne Way tickets from 934
14 May 2024DirectOne Way tickets from 942
25 May 2024DirectOne Way tickets from 942
22 May 2024DirectOne Way tickets from 944
21 May 2024DirectOne Way tickets from 962
26 May 2024DirectOne Way tickets from 1 139
11 May 2024DirectOne Way tickets from 1 139
24 May 2024DirectOne Way tickets from 1 141
10 May 2024DirectOne Way tickets from 1 141
1 May 2024DirectOne Way tickets from 1 215
3 May 2024DirectOne Way tickets from 1 240
9 May 2024DirectOne Way tickets from 1 265
4 May 2024DirectOne Way tickets from 1 342
12 May 2024DirectOne Way tickets from 1 368
2 May 2024DirectOne Way tickets from 1 428
11 May 20241 StopOne Way tickets from 1 696
14 May 20241 StopOne Way tickets from 1 696
25 May 20241 StopOne Way tickets from 1 696
21 May 20241 StopOne Way tickets from 1 734
15 May 20241 StopOne Way tickets from 1 854
22 May 20241 StopOne Way tickets from 1 894
2 May 20241 StopOne Way tickets from 1 956
9 May 20241 StopOne Way tickets from 2 014
10 May 20241 StopOne Way tickets from 2 091
24 May 20241 StopOne Way tickets from 2 095
3 May 20241 StopOne Way tickets from 2 137
5 May 2024DirectOne Way tickets from 2 220
26 May 20241 StopOne Way tickets from 2 247
12 May 20241 StopOne Way tickets from 2 294
4 May 20241 StopOne Way tickets from 2 318

Cheap flight tickets to johannesburg from Cape Town for the Next Few Days, One Way Tickets

If you’re seeking affordable cheap flights to Johannesburg within the next few days, you’ve come to the right place! Prices may vary based on the airline, time of year, and how far in advance the ticket is booked. With one-way tickets starting at around $50, it’s crucial to act quickly as prices can fluctuate rapidly. It’s noteworthy that flights departing on weekdays often come at a lower cost compared to those departing on weekends. Accessing real-time one-way flight information is made easy through our flight board, providing a comprehensive summary of available cheap flights from Cape Town to Johannesburg across multiple airlines and booking systems. This enables you to compare and select the best option for your travel needs.

Departure atStopsFind tickets
27 April 2024DirectTickets from 1 823
27 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 263
30 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 557
27 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 610
27 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 610
27 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 610
27 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 610
30 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 657
27 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 667
27 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 683
28 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 705
28 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 711
29 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 733
28 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 743
28 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 770
27 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 776
28 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 776
28 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 776
27 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 814
28 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 814
27 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 847
28 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 847
27 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 870
27 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 870
28 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 870
29 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 870
29 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 870
27 April 2024DirectTickets from 2 915
28 April 20241 StopTickets from 4 088
30 April 20241 StopTickets from 7 180

Cheapest flights from Cape Town to Johannesburg, Round-trip Tickets

Round-trip tickets for the cheapest flights from Cape Town to Johannesburg typically range from $70 to $100, with the majority of affordable options found on the route between Cape Town and OR Tambo International Airport. To secure the best deals, compare prices and book well in advance to find the best deals on flights to jhb. the cheapest flights from Cape Town to Johannesburg are often available with flexible travel dates and times. We recommend using our real-time flight board for round-trip tickets to find the most economical options.


Departure atReturn atStopsAirlineFind tickets
27 April 202429 April 2024DirectSafairRound-trip Tickets from 1 823

Direct return cheap flights from Cape Town to Lanseria / Cape Town to OR Tambo flights, Year Ahead

Direct return cheap flights are available from Cape Town to both Lanseria Airport and OR Tambo International Airport for the year ahead. Several airlines offer cheap flights from Cape Town to Lanseria. Therefore, it’s important to compare prices and book in advance to find the best deals on cheap flights from Cape Town to Lanseria.

OR Tambo International Airport is one of the busiest airports in South Africa. Several airlines offer cheap flights from Cape Town to OR Tambo. Direct return flights from Cape Town International Airport (CPT) to OR Tambo International Airport (JNB) are typically offered by FlySafair, FlyCemAir, Lift Airlines, Airlink, and FlexFlight. FlySafair provides direct flights between Lanseria Airport (HLA) and Cape Town International Airport (CPT).

Whether you’re looking for direct cheap flights from Cape Town to Lanseria or Cape Town to OR Tambo flights, planning ahead can help you save money.

Departure atReturn atStopsAirlineFind tickets
27 April 202429 April 2024DirectSafairRound-trip Tickets from 1 823
14 May 202420 May 2024DirectSafairRound-trip Tickets from 1 981
15 June 20248 July 2024DirectSafairRound-trip Tickets from 2 262
16 July 202416 July 2024DirectSafairRound-trip Tickets from 2 259

There are several options for direct cheap flight tickets to Johannesburg from Cape Town, with return from either OR Tambo International Airport or Lanseria Airport. Prices for these flights can vary depending on the season, day of the week, and how far in advance you book your ticket. By using a real-time flight board, you can easily compare prices and find the best deals on direct cheap flight tickets to Johannesburg from Cape Town. Therefore, it’s recommended to compare prices and book in advance to find the best deals on direct cheap flights to Johannesburg from Cape Town with return from your preferred airport.

Departure atReturn atAirlineFind tickets
27 April 202429 April 2024SafairTickets from 1 823
14 May 202420 May 2024SafairTickets from 1 981
13 June 202419 June 2024SafairTickets from 2 379
16 July 202416 July 2024SafairTickets from 2 259

Airlines that are currently flying from Cape Town to Johannesburg:

Comparison of prices, schedules and services

Here are some of the main factors to consider when comparing prices and services for flights from Cape Town to Johannesburg :

  • Price: Of course, one of the most important factors is the price of the flight,be sure to compare prices across different airlines, and consider any additional fees or taxes that may be added to the base fare.
  • Schedule: Another important factor is the schedule of the flight,look for flights that depart and arrive at convenient times for your travel plans, and consider the duration of the flight as well.
  • Services: Different airlines may offer different services on their flights, such as in-flight entertainment, meals, and baggage allowances. Be sure to compare these services and consider whether they are important to you.
  • Safety: It’s important to choose an airline that has a good safety record and reputation,look for information on the airline’s safety measures and any recent incidents or accidents.
  • Customer reviews: in the end consider reading customer reviews and ratings for the airlines you are considering. This can give you a sense of the quality of service and general experience you can anticipate.By comparing these factors across different airlines, you can find the best deal and flight experience for your needs and preferences. It’s always a good idea to compare prices and services across multiple airlines before booking your flight from Cape Town to Johannesburg.

The currently operating Airlines for domestic flights from Cape Town to Johannesburg

Here are the major airlines operating currently for domestic flights from Cape Town to Johannesburg:

  1. South African Airways SAA
  2. FlySafair
  3. LIFT Airlines
  4. FlyCemAir
  5. Airlink

Mango and Kulula airlines currently are unavailable for this flight route ,each airline offers different prices, schedules, and services, some airlines may also offer discounts or promotions for certain times of the year or for specific routes, So it’s important as well  to check each airline’s website or a flight aggregator website to compare prices and schedules for your preferred travel dates to find the best deal for your needs.

Travelers searching  for the flight route Cape Town  to Johannesburg (CPT-JNB)  also searches for  :

Cheap flights from Cape Town to Durban (CPT-DUR) 



(Frequently Asked Questions)

Our live flight calendar shows that February 2024 is the cheapest month to fly from Cape Town to Johannesburg, currently, the one-way ticket price is R832, and the round-trip ticket price is R1685.

The average flight time from Cape Town to Johannesburg is approximately 2hrs01min. However, this can vary depending on factors such as the airline, route, and any layovers.

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