About us

CapeTowncheapflights is a global free travel comparison search engine which was founded in 2019, we can help travelers to find the cheapest flights and travel services offers from 728 world airlines and most leading travel agencies partners without any commission.

We work with many different and serious travel providers (Online travel agencies, Meta-search engines) and 728 Airlines in real-time to show travelers availability and the optimal travel deal and discounts, then travelers click directly through to partner websites to book.

Our travel search engine website allows users to try, compare and find the best price online quickly and easily for many travel services such as   Flights, Hotels, Hostels, Accommodations, Vacation Packages, Airport transfers, Car rentals, and much more!

CapeTowncheapflights isn’t an online travel agency (OTA) that sells travel-related products, instead, we are simply a free travel search engine.

Our travel website only allows you to search for travel offers and compare them to find the lowest prices.